Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Melt

  We got 19" of snow total over 12 days. The melt started on Friday the 26th and today it is all but gone.  Christmas went well. I wasn't able to get out because of the snow but I had bought some things for the kids over the last few months so I had stuff for them. I will be getting more in the week ahead. I thought I had down loaded pictures of all the snow onto my lap top but I can't find them now.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Yowza, it is snowing like crazy. It started out a little weak but now it is booming. Blowing twisting swirling snow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

     Last weekend I went and did my first Santacon. What fun. It is basically a pub crawl with everyone dressed up as Santa in one form or another. Everything from Ninja Santa to Naughty Santa. Just google it and a whole new world opens up. There was also a Hasidic Santa. I am thinking of going as a PLO Santa next year. Anyway tons of fun. If this sounds interesting to you let me know and we can plan for next year. Thanks Santa Casey!